First NEWSLETTER: Highlights and Future Initiatives

admin By  август 5, 2024 0 225


The first Newsletter for the E-Gov project is here!

In this inaugural edition, you’ll find crucial information about the project’s launch, the first partner meeting in Potenza (Kick-Off Meeting), and the planned next steps.

The E-gov4 project, co-funded by the European Union and running from March 2024 to August 2026, aims to accelerate the digitalization of public services and boost civic engagement among young people through E-GOV training and collaboration between youth and public institutions. The project involves six organizations from different European countries.

Key outputs of the project include: the Skills Gaps Research Report, Training Programme, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), and the Dialogue Platform.

The project targets: young people aged 24-29 who are out of education, training, and the labor market (NEET), youth organizations, and local institutions & public authorities.

The Kick-Off Meeting for the E-gov4 Youth project took place on March 21, 2024, in Potenza, Italy, at the Exeo Lab headquarters, which is the Project Coordinator. Representatives from the six partner countries (Italy, Greece, Norway, Estonia, Bulgaria, and Cyprus) introduced their organizations and roles. During the meeting, a Steering Committee was formed, the Management Handbook and Quality and Assurance Plan were discussed, and future activities were planned, including research on E-GOV best practices and the communication strategy. Additionally, YOUTH (Norway) presented the first draft of the Communication and Dissemination Plan, set up social media accounts, and Exeolab launched the E-gov4 Youth website in May 2024.

Upcoming steps for the project: Tal Tech will coordinate the development and administration of surveys and interviews to produce a Transnational Research Report on E-GOV best practices, which will be presented in an international webinar in September 2024, targeting researchers, public authorities, and youth NGOs.

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