Project KO Meeting

admin By  august 28, 2024 0 154


Exeo Lab hosts the Kick-Off Meeting for the E-Gov4Youth Project: new opportunities for NEET Youth 

The Kick-Off Meeting for the Erasmus Plus E-Gov4Youth project has just concluded in Potenza, Italy, at the headquarters of the lead partner, EXEO LAB. This initial meeting was crucial for planning all project activities and included six European partners from various countries. In addition to EXEO LAB, the Italian lead partner, participants included YYOUTH (Norway), EYROPAIKO INSTITOYTO TOPIKHS ANAPTYKSHS (Greece), TALLINNA TEHNIKAULIKOOL (Estonia), the UNION OF BULGARIAN BLACK SEA LOCAL AUTHORITIES (Bulgaria), and VERNIAN RTI (Cyprus). 

The E-Gov4Youth project aims to create a training program for NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) youth in the field of E-Government. The primary objective is to provide skills in digital technologies, civic participation, transparency, security, and local development. Additionally, the project fosters collaboration between young people and Public Administration in developing E-Government tools, establishing alliances between Public Administrations, youth associations, research institutions, and the private sector. 

This project represents a significant opportunity for NEET youth, equipping them with the tools and knowledge needed to actively contribute to the modernization of Public Administration through digital technologies. 


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