

E-GOV4YOUTH tackles head-on the global challenges surrounding civic engagement among marginalized youth, a topic of growing significance amplified further by the pandemic’s acceleration of public service digitalization. The project aims to narrow the digital skills gap among NEET youth (those not in education, employment, or training), fostering enhanced collaboration between youth and Public Administrations (PAs) in local decision-making processes. By developing E-GOV competencies and tools, E-GOV4YOUTH strives to effectively address the evolving needs of young Europeans.



The project unfolds in three main phases: defining the methodology, executing the activities, and finalizing and delivering the results. The initial phase involves comprehensive research to identify best practices and gaps in digital skills among young people and public administrations. Following this, crucial data are gathered through interviews and detailed analyses to guide the development of the training program and co-design initiatives. The findings are then synthesized into a multilingual report, which is published across various platforms to maximize the impact and dissemination of the acquired knowledge.


EGOV4YOUTH marks a significant step toward a new era of digital public services, shifting from simple service delivery (E-Government) to participatory and collaborative governance (E-Governance). The primary goal is to enhance the accessibility and efficiency of digital public services while simultaneously increasing the active involvement of young people in local decision-making processes. Aligned with the European strategy, the project aims to promote common values, civic engagement, and democratic participation among European youth, thereby contributing to the development of a more inclusive and resilient society.


EGOV4YOUTH stands out for its integration of innovative pedagogical and technological approaches in the field of E-Governance. The training program utilizes a blended learning model, combining face-to-face sessions, work-based training, and online resources to maximize accessibility and learning effectiveness. Additionally, the project develops a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) that offers the acquired knowledge for free, ensuring the sustainability of results beyond the project’s duration. An interactive platform is also created, enabling young people and public administrations to collaborate in co-designing local policies. This fosters lasting alliances among key stakeholders, including public administrations, youth organizations, research institutions, and the private sector.


The target group for the “EGOV4YOUTH” project includes young NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training), specifically those aged 24 to 29 years old, with a priority on those who are more qualified and face a higher risk of social exclusion. The project also aims to engage local government authorities, with the goal of improving collaboration and dialogue between young people and institutions in decision-making processes using E-Governance technologies.